Categories: darter, wildlife

Announcing: His Majesty’s Court – A Photography Tour to Kanha National Park

Darter Photography Tours, a venture of professional photographers Shreeram MV and me, present our next photography tour “His Majesty’s Court – A photography tour of Kanha National Park”.

Photography Tour of Kanha National Park

Dates – June 04 to 08, 2011

Click here to quickly jump to full details page.

The vast sal forests of Kanha National Park are home to a great variety of wildlife – big and small. From big cats like the Tiger and the Leopard to hunting packs of Dholes (or Wild Dogs) to the very-localized Barasinghas to the vast congregations of Gaurs, these forests can throw surprises at every corner.

Kanha’s open secret lies in the vast grasslands within the park. These beautiful meadows become a widescreen theatre, showcasing Deer locking horns in a fight to supremacy, Peafowls dancing to attract mates, Barasighas grazing in small herds and, if we are lucky enough, a Tiger hunting its meal.

In the evenings, the waterholes in the grasslands where some water has still remained in the summer months attract a large assembly of animals walking in for a drink, where we can easily spot more than hundred mammals in single location. Get ready to travel with Darter Photography to this theatre of nature where each day brings you new sightings, activities and excitements.

Birdlife in the park is not to be forgotten too. Crested Serpent Eagles and Crested Hawk-Eagles can be seen hunting for prey. We will keep an eye for incredibly colourful Indian Pittas that are common in the park, but come out only in the evening hours. Racket-tailed Drongos with their long beautiful tails and Indian Rollers flying around colourfully offer many photographic opportunities. Spotting the golden eyes of the otherwise camouflaged Spotted and Jungle Owlets adds to the thrill.

See full details of the trip, images of Kanha and registration details at photography tour of Kanha.

Also join Darter Facebook Page to stay updated on upcoming tours.

Categories: darter

Upcoming Photography Tours and Workshops

At Darter Photography, a venture by me and fellow photographer Shreeram, we have been busy designing new tours and photography workshops. Having concluded a very successful and well received photography workshop in Bangalore last week, we have announced the next edition of workshop at the end of April. And summer being the best sight to sight wildlife, we are announcing some wildlife photography tours in Karnataka. Time could not have been more right, when we have the news of big cat population increasing and Karnataka now hosts the maximum number of tigers in the country. Tours and workshop details follow.

Photography Workshop in Bangalore

Saturday and Sunday, April 30th and May 1st. At Nandhana Grand, Koramangala, Bangalore.

This workshop introduces you to the technical, artistic and social aspects of photography. You will learn about the concepts of photography, what the different modes of a camera mean, how to compose a photograph so that it catches the eye, how to post-process it to reflect reality or make it artistic, and, in an increasingly connected world, how to share it online. So the next time you click a photograph, you’ll create a memory to cherish.

See more details and register.

River Tern Tour – Photography Tour of Bhadra Wildlife Sanctuary

May 6th, 7th and 8th

Come summer, a grand spectacle unfolds in the small islands of Bhadra Reservoir. As the water level recedes and exposes the submerged rocks, thousands of River Terns and Pratincoles flock here to nest. It is chaos on the rocks as the dense pack of birds struggle for space to breed and raise their young ones. Little fledglings take baby steps on the rock even as the parents fly in with little fish in their beaks for feeding. Darter Photography presents River Tern Tour – A photography tour to Bhadra Wildlife Sanctuary to showcase this spectacle…

See more details and register.

Wildlife Photography Tour of Bandipur National Park

May 20th, 21st and 22nd

Darter Photography brings you an opportunity to photograph birds and big mammals in Bandipur National Park, one of the richest wildlife parks in South India. Summer offers the best sightings and chance to photograph elephants, tigers, leopards as well as many other mammals and birdlife in the park. With an increasing population of tigers and frequently reported sightings in summer, and supported with expert guidance from Darter Photography Expert, chances of your coming back with beautiful images of wildlife in the park are fairly high.

See more details and register.

Mountains and Monasteries – Photography Tour of Ladakh

  • 10th to 17th July 2011 – Starts and ends in Leh (weekend to weeked)
  • 08th to 17th July 2011 – Starts from Manali, Ends in Leh

This tour has only a few seats available.

Darter Photography Tours is excited to take you to the land of the high passes this summer. Be ready to be awed as you wander in the mountains photographing stark yet beautiful landscapes of Ladakh. Travel with photography experts and capture the beauty of super-blue lakes, see the views from the highest motorable road in the world, watch wildlife that can be seen nowhere else in the country and witness rituals of a culture that has kept its traditions alive for almost a millennium. This Mountains and Monasteries Tour is specially designed to maximize photography opportunities and capture the deeper essence of Ladakh.

See more details and register.

Also join our facebook page to stay updated on upcoming programs.

Announcing: River Tern Tour – Photography Tour of Bhadra Wildlife Sanctuary

Darter Photography, a venture of me and professional wildlife photographer Shreeram, present our next photography tour. This time the focus is on wildlife and we will be travelling to the islands in the backwaters of Bhadra.

Also see more tours on our facebook page. ‘Like’ us to stay updated on a variety of photography tours and workshops.

River Tern Tour – Photography Tour of Bhadra Wildlife Sanctuary
May 6th, 7th and 8th

Images from Bhadra
bhadra wildlife sanctuary

bhadra wildlife sanctuary

bhadra wildlife sanctuary

bhadra wildlife sanctuary

bhadra wildlife sanctuary

bhadra wildlife sanctuary

bhadra wildlife sanctuary

bhadra wildlife sanctuary

bhadra wildlife sanctuary

bhadra wildlife sanctuary

bhadra wildlife sanctuary

Come summer, a grand spectacle unfolds in the small islands of Bhadra Reservoir. As the water level recedes and exposes the submerged rocks, thousands of River Terns and Pratincoles flock here to nest. It is chaos on the rocks as the dense pack of birds struggle for space to breed and raise their young ones. Little fledglings take baby steps on the rock even as the parents fly in with little fish in their beaks for feeding.

Darter Photography presents River Tern Tour – A photography tour to Bhadra Wildlife Sanctuary to showcase this spectacle… and a lot more. Join expert wildlife photographer Shreeram M V, who served as a Naturalist at Bhadra and has explored every corner of the sanctuary.

Tour Details

For the wildlife photographer, this dense gathering of River Terns and Pratincoles is an opportunity never to be missed. We approach these islands on boats to witness and capture every bit of interaction of the Terns and Pratincole with their young ones. And it doesn’t end there – we go into the heart of Bhadra Wildlife Sanctuary, teeming with animals like tigers, leopards, wild dogs, elephants, Malabar Giant Squirrels and Monitor Lizards. Not to forget are the Marsh Crocodiles basking on the reservoir banks.

Besides pratincoles and river terns, the birdlife in the region includes Grey-headed Fish-Eagles, White-bellied Sea-eagle, Crested Serpent Eagle, Scarlet Minivets and even the elusive Malabar Trogon. Watching the huge Malabar Pied Hornbills flying across the reservoir is a treat in itself.
The islands nestled in the dense forest make a grand spectacle where colourful sunsets over the backwaters offer another great photography opportunity. We will be staying in one of these islands, a scenic location in itself.

The tour includes:

  • Two jeep safaris into the park and two boat safaris on Bhadra Reservoir
  • Session on photographing wildlife – techniques, aesthetics and ways to approach the subjects
  • Assistance on field in getting best images
  • Daily image reviews and feedback at the end of every day’s shoot
  • On-field assistance in identifying birds and in understanding wildlife in the park

All through the tour, constant guidance from Darter Photography Expert will help you get the best out of your trip to the wilderness.

Please note that while chances sightings are fairly high, we cannot give you any assurance.

Is this tour for you?

River Tern Tour is ideal for you if you have an interest in watching and photographing a wide range of wildlife – from mighty tigers to tiny birds. Our photography expert will get you prepared for photographing wildlife and will assist you in every step of making good photographs.


We will be staying in River Tern Lodge, run by Jungle Lodges and Resorts.

Tour Cost

The tour cost is Rs.10,500/- per person.

The cost includes

  • Accommodation on twin-sharing basis at River Tern Lodge
  • All meals during the stay (starting with lunch on check-in date and ending with breakfast on check-out date)
  • Jeep Safaris into the park and Boat Safaris on the reservoir
  • Session on wildlife photography, on-field assistance and image reviews

The cost does not include

  • Transport to River Tern Lodge and back (we can assist those looking for transport or interested in car pooling)
  • Additional food and beverages ordered at the resort
  • Tips and anything else that is not part of the includes list above

Book this tour

Contact us to book the tour. Like all our tours, River Tern Tour will have a limited number of participants..

Ph: 9880006460 (Arun) / 97400 83260 (Shreeram)

Do visit Darter’s facebook page to stay updated on our tours and workshops.

Darter Photography Expert: Shreeram M V

Shreeram is a passionate naturalist and a professional wildlife photographer, with experience of working as a naturalist at River Tern Lodge. His wildlife images are widely acclaimed have found place in glossy desktop calendars and wall hangings.

Shreeram has the experience of photographing wildlife across multiple habitats across India – from the rainforests to the high-altitude deserts to grasslands to coasts. He comes with vast expertise in bird photography, having photographed hundreds of species from places as far as mountains of Ladakh to seashores of South India. See some of his works at

Having spent some time as a naturalist exploring the wilderness of Bhadra, Shreeram is your perfect wildlife guide and photographer to get introduced to the fauna of the region and come back with great images.

What our guests say

“Thanks for the patience of Arun and Shreeram has, they were able to extract quality pictures from us.” – Darshan (Bangalore)

“I guess this was the best learning I ever had.” – Madhu Chandan (Bangalore)