Esben Agersnap writes in his blog about the last living men who once practiced head hunting in Nagaland. An interesting story with a lot of pictures of headhunters.
…tribes – which often waged war upon each other as well as on the more peaceful peoples of Assam. A peculiar aspect of Naga tribal warfare was the brutal and feared concept of head hunting. It was believed that by taking the head of your slain enemy as a trophy you would gain some of his power and spirit.
Read ‘the last living head hunters‘
Most people visiting the North-East rely on travel agents to get permits made. Information is hard to come by, if you want to apply for it yourself. ‘Travel On The Dollar’ has a compilation of contact details of offices in Kolkata, Guwahati and other places in the North East where one can apply for permits. The page has info on getting permits for Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Mizoram and Nagaland.
Indian citizens can pick up Inner Line Permits at the relevant state offices. However, foreigners shouldn’t expect the slightest morsel of permit assistance at these offices.
Arunachal House (Tel: +91 361 2452859) Head south from the GNB flyover, take the first left off RG Baruah Rd, then turn right up an unmarked dead-end lane.
Read Permits for travel to Northeast India
Here is a summary of all posts on North East India series I had been writing till now.
* Arunach Pradesh(Eaglenest National Park, Tawang)
* Assam and Meghalaya(Guwahati, Nameri, Kaziranga, Shillong, Cherrapunjee)
* Beginning of the series
* From Bangalore to Guwahati
* Impressions of Guwahati
* Umananda temple and Peacock Island

Brahmaputra flows at Guwahati
* Travelling to Eaglenest
* About Vacation For Conservation
* First Day at Eaglenest
* The days at Eaglenest
* Haathi Trail
* About Eaglenest National Park

Rhododendrons at Eaglenest
* From Eaglenest to Tawang – I
* From Eaglenest to Tawang – II
* Tawang Monastery
* Snow and Lakes beyond Tawang
* Around Tawang
* Returning from Tawang

Inside Tawang Monastery
* Nameri National Park
* Arriving at Kaziranga National Park
* At Kaziranga National Park
* About Kaziranga National Park

A One Horned Rhino at Kaziranga
* Lazing in Shillong
* Cherrapunjee

Nohkalikai falls, Cherrapunjee
* On travelling in the North East India
* Assam’s degrading environment