Recent Experiences of Flying Air India – How much better it is?

You may have seen recent television ads of Air India, where senior executives from many companies vouch for the punctuality, quality of food and in-flight entertainment system on Air India flights. The promo ends with a quote, ‘Every time I fly Air India, I realize, how much better it is’. News reports also indicate that Air India is about to join Star Alliance and is trying to ensure smooth operations to meet the quality requirements set by the alliance.

A week ago, I had a chance to travel on Air India and to evaluate a part of what the television advertisement was claiming. I took three AI flights in a span of three days, travelling from Trivandrum to Delhi, further to Varanasi and later on to Agra. I was flying Air India after twenty months and was eager to see if their services have got any better.

If you are looking for a quick answer to the question, read no further! It is a big NO! Read on if you are curious about my experiences.

Air India
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How bad can an airline get?

I can’t imagine someone treating their customers so terribly. Michal Tanton’s story of his terrible experience of being stuck in an airport in Rome, waiting for his AlItalia flight did not just make me feel sorry, but made me wish to punch the staff who remained unsympathetic to the woes of their passengers. People were stuck in the airport for days with no one helping them.

Anyone could have pushed the terminal over the edge at any moment. If just one person swung a punch at an employee, it might trigger a riot. I could feel it. The Africans were ready to roll, as were DJ and several of the Italians. Most American passengers seemed a bit more restrained, but even that was beginning to change. The Alitalia staff looked terrified. Their eyes darted sideways as they scanned the terminal for threats and calculated escape routes.

Read the whole story – The Worst Airline Company in the World.