Image: Spotted Owlet

A spotted owlet waves at me from the doorsteps of its house!

spotted owlet

Image from Kanha National Park.

Categories: birds, photos

Rose Ringed Parakeets

It has been busy days here and I haven’t been able to updated much on the blog. There is much to write though. I guess the pace at which I am writing is becoming far slower than the pace at which I travel. I need to catch up! In the meanwhile, I am getting out more often and giving more work to my camera. Here are some pictures of Rose Ringed Parakeets that I shot recently.

Rose Ringed Parakeet

Rose Ringed Parakeet

Rose Ringed Parakeet

Categories: birds, photos

Yellow Wattled Lapwing

It must have taken more than half an hour to make this bird build some acceptance towards us. Finally, it agreed to let us come a little closer.