Categories: hotel review

A Case for Hotel Reviews on India Travel Blog

It may be obvious to you by now that I spend a lot of time travelling. Naturally, this means spending several nights in hotels across the country. This also creates an opportunity to review those hotels and spread the word about good and bad things about the places I have stayed in. But so far, I have refrained.

I can’t think of a reason why I wasn’t doing hotel reviews so far. Perhaps I thought reviews are better left to TripAdvisor. Perhaps I thought it was something too commercial or may be I simply assumed this is not a place for hotel reviews.

But I started thinking otherwise a few months ago, when I began searching TripAdvisor to get information about hotels in some destinations. The reviews were often very contrasting and sometimes misleading. While some reviewers said that a hotel is the best choice, there were an equal number of people who said exactly the opposite. In some cases, it appeared likely that the reviews were rigged. And in some cases, unusually harsh reviews made me wonder if competitors were trying to defame the property. It wasn’t easy to qualify a hotel through the ratings and reviews on TripAdvisor or similar sources.

This, added with the fact that I spend many days staying at hotels, made me think it is probably worthwhile posting hotel reviews here. While I may never reach the volumes and coverage of a crowd sourced review system, at least I may be able to provide more accurate and trusted reviews of a few hotels in a few destinations.

Keeping this in mind, I will be starting hotel reviews on this site in near future. However, to prevent flooding this blog’s main page with reviews, I would be posting them as wordpress pages instead of blog posts. Only a monthly summary would be posted here as a blog post.

Your comments, if any on this, is welcome.